Sunday 9 March 2008

But Where's The Missing Link???

A couple of weeks ago Quirky quill snagged me with a tag that was deceptively simple. I was in a blue funk at the time, but I did promise I would take up the tag when I returned to humanity. So now it is time to pay my dues.

The tag instructions were to recall five previous posts, pertaining respectively to my family, my friends, myself, my love, and anything else I like. I did consider taking the easy way out, which would have been to link five times to a post about myself. But where would be the fun in that? So I'll do it the hard way.

My family, then. A little over a year ago I wrote about the monster in my life. And then there was the one about my dog. I've been really lucky that both of them are seriously eccentric creatures with enough character to make up several different alphabets. There's never a dull moment when either of them is around. Oh, how I yearn for dullness. (Not!)

I hadn't really ever written about friends until a very odd phase in January when several things happened almost simultaneously. They made me re-examine the friendships that I had and acknowledge how fragile they can be. And (which was the best part) they reminded me that it's always a good idea to let the people who matter to you know that they matter to you. These posts are so recent that it seems superfluous to link to them. So as a bonus I've also flashedback to a rather embarassing reunion from a year ago.

How do I link to a post about myself when this entire blog is really about me? The only way to choose a particular post would be to do it with a touch of whimsy. And since I just happened to buy some seriously funky t-shirts today, I suppose I should cast my memory back to the day Hollywood awakened my inner fashionista.

A post about my love? You won't find one. You will find fleeting references. I'm generous enough to tell you that, and jealous enough to not make it any easier for you to find them.

As for likes, I have many. One I have a particularly soft spot for is coffee. back in college I had painted onto one of my t-shirts a picture of Garfield holding a steaming mug, and captioned it with "Happiness is a poor substitute for coffee". There are still times when I think that might be true.

Oh, and the final part of the tag is to tag five others to take it up. But I've been so slow to complete this tag myself that anyone I might have thought to pass this onto has already recieved it from someone else. So I'll be the terminus on this particular line (QQ - hope you don't mind). Regular service will soon resume with a new post.


Yashodhara said...

Good one, Mahogany.

I liked the one on your monster, hadn't read it before.

Still Searching said...

Hey! I liked the way you've written this tag :) Nice to go through your older posts.. That monster one? What was that all about??

Bee said...

Came across ur ur writing style!...keep filling us in!